How I feel after the Dubs brought home Sam

8 thoughts on “How I feel after the Dubs brought home Sam”

  1. Nice one John, It’s exactly how I felt last yr when Cork won after coming close so many times over the years! Enjoy it, and sure here’s hoping we’ll see ye in the final next yr! Must drop in and say hello soon. Mind yourself

  2. This video has made the smile Im carrying around since our win, even bigger. Its wonderful to see What the win means to you. I hope the team see it because even though you mentioned it being hard to put into words, you still captured the euphoric feeling the win stirred up inside you. I dont think you 100% would have drunk had you been home. Next year come home when we win the two in a row and test your sobriety : )

  3. Ah boys and girls – I’ve been neglecting everything about this site, but thank you so much for the comments – means a lot to me – what a game it was…I still get a buzz off it!!

  4. Lenny,

    Love the video, love the passion & great to see what it means! You would have LOVED Dublin over the last few weeks.
    Great to finally get over the line.
    I’ll see if we can arrange a trip for Sam to Bondi!!


  5. Ah Mossy,

    I would have loved to have been there for it – saw some of the videos and photos on facebook and elsewhere and I know I would have loved every second of it. What can you do though? Really happy you and all the lads got to experience being champions…you’s deserve it.

    Maybe you can give Sam to Captain Clucko of Ireland fame and he can get it over to us here for a serious session!

    Good luck in the club champo…at least you avoided all the league playoffs!!!

  6. Howiyah Lal,
    Congrats on Sam man…saw your head in the background and coming on in games – fair play on getting back in and making the most of it. Keep her lit there’s a starting spot there for you yet.


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