I have taken up the art of reading books again. Well, when I say reading books, I mean downloading books onto my kindle and ingesting them that way. Before I got my hands on a kindle I thought there was no way I would be the ponce who went around with one. But the books are cheaper. You can carry as many as you want. You can buy them whenever you want. I really think they are an awesome creation. If you haven’t
Abuse of alcohol
How to write a blog.
There comes a time in everyone’s life when they feel like they want their opinions to be heard. When this moment comes to you beware – you could be scooping up dog poo with your hand covered in a blue plastic bag when it hits you. It could be as you are toweling your saggy pallid torso after a short cool shower on a hot Autumnal day that the light clicks on in your twisted brain. It could hit you as you are parking someone else’s car between a Porsche and a Ferarri. When you get this feeling…this “of course people would love to know about my journey into Gnostic mysticism
How to make money in a recession
I know that a lot of you out there are looking for ways to make money. Everyone wants to know how to get rich. Well, The Sober Paddy knows the answer. I have been studying the global situation and have been analysing trends and what is going to happen. There is one piece of advice I have for anyone who has any money saved up anywhere in the world and wants to know what to do with it – BUY GOLD! This may not seem like the most revolutionary thought. But there is no money in Real Estate. Stocks are a no go as the economies of the world collapse. Once the South Americans and Australians finish digging up and selling their resources to the Chinese, then the world is going to grindingly crunch
How to find Inner Peace.
I’ve been sober for nearly two years now. To the dog on the street that doesn’t mean much. Every day you wake up feeling pretty good and go to sleep feeling pretty good but tired. This existence is like a retirement home for recovering crack heads – Nice and easy in the middle. ..soft pastel colours and nice people saying nice things. Your condition is solid and you suffer no paranoia and no early morning pangs of regret. There is nothing to fear. There is an abundance
How to grow old gracefully
They reckon that turning 18 is a milestone. They believe that hitting 21 is another. Stumbling over 30 years is meant to be the beginning of the end. But I have just hit the weirdest age of them all – 35.Thirty five years old…my God. I don’t want to sound like a boring old twat, but where did the years go? I still feel like my teen years are just behind me. I still act as though my twenties are still to be lived. But I am now closer to my forties than any other decade. I have reached middle age territory. I have lived for more years than Jesus did. Or Kurt Cobain. Or Jim Morrison
Viva La Revolution
Where do I begin? My absence from blogging has been caused by number of reasons. I have been searching for some information on the interweb. I have been disseminating. I have been scouring the globe for news about the revolution. You see, there are many hands and feet getting involved now. They are all walking together and they are going in the same direction. I am part of this revolution in a very