I’ve been sober for nearly two years now. To the dog on the street that doesn’t mean much. Every day you wake up feeling pretty good and go to sleep feeling pretty good but tired. This existence is like a retirement home for recovering crack heads – Nice and easy in the middle. ..soft pastel colours and nice people saying nice things. Your condition is solid and you suffer no paranoia and no early morning pangs of regret. There is nothing to fear. There is an abundance
Beyond The Drink
How to grow old gracefully
They reckon that turning 18 is a milestone. They believe that hitting 21 is another. Stumbling over 30 years is meant to be the beginning of the end. But I have just hit the weirdest age of them all – 35.Thirty five years old…my God. I don’t want to sound like a boring old twat, but where did the years go? I still feel like my teen years are just behind me. I still act as though my twenties are still to be lived. But I am now closer to my forties than any other decade. I have reached middle age territory. I have lived for more years than Jesus did. Or Kurt Cobain. Or Jim Morrison
Viva La Revolution
Where do I begin? My absence from blogging has been caused by number of reasons. I have been searching for some information on the interweb. I have been disseminating. I have been scouring the globe for news about the revolution. You see, there are many hands and feet getting involved now. They are all walking together and they are going in the same direction. I am part of this revolution in a very
The Butterfly Effect
Everybody needs a “leg up” from time to time. Of course the “leg up” is not to be confused with the “leg over”, but we all need that too! A “leg up” means to help someone to be more successful. It is a simple, concise image and it evokes a quick, physical remedy. It means that you go out of your way to try to improve another persons’ life. It could be the smallest of gestures or the writing of a fat hefty check, but the result is the same – you improve someone else’s existence. The result of your actions is a better world for someone else. Whether you like it or not, at some stage in life you will be called on to give someone a “leg up”. You may not be fully aware of it at the time, but there will be moments when you could make a tiny bit of extra effort and help someone change their mind, which in turn helps them make a better decision in trying times. Although we are not conscious of the chain of events which follow our actions, at some point we must accept that what we say and do can have a positive or negative effect on someone. Do you want to be responsible for giving someone a “leg up” or a kick in the arse?
What St. Patrick means to me….
It has been a hazy, green week for a lot of people around the globe. Sore heads mix with sunshine. Pints of the black stuff copulate with swift and nifty chasers in pubs and bars from east to west. Giant leprechauns dance with shrieking lassies of Celtic delight. Gentle and not so gentlemen rediscover their love of what I like to call “Speedy Ostrich Yahoo Dancing”. This is when the male manages to extricate himself from the three deep bar, holding three pints of Guinness and three tumblers of Jameson whiskey balanced precariously on top – his upper torso remains rigid and balanced to prevent the alcohol from spilling, while from the waist down there is a rapid rhythm and flailing of legs which mimics the beats of the Bodhrán and fiddle pounding around room – his face is a blend of concentration, raspberry tongue and winks, as he nods and shouts back to his mates in the corner.